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Сканер для МРТ GE Signa HDxt 3.0T
Siemens-Avantot-Mri Brochure. The landmark in 1. This, in turn, results in productivity that simply leaps ahead. Accompanied by a dramatic reduction in acoustic noise, without compromising gradient performance. The next movement in MRI. By moving 1. For fast return-on-investment. And truly seamless workflow automation. From a clinical, patient, and business perspective, Siemens helps improve patient care. Dot helps take the complexity out of MRI. Tim advances MR imaging. With flexibility, accuracy, Dot offers patient personalization, user guidance, and speed.
It seamlessly integrates up to 76 coil and exam automation. It helps take away the elements with up to 32 RF channels. It escalates image complexity of MRI scanning. By enabling greater quality and acquisition speed to a whole new level. It offers greater ease-of-use. And a day patients for multiple exams is no longer necessary. Think more exams per day. Every day. Flexibility Personalized Select exams, not coils.
Tim is adaptable, versatile, and Dot allows for uniquely tailored, optimized scans easy. For faster exams and greater diagnostic confidence. Accuracy Guided Local and total. With extreme, pinpointed precision, Dot provides step-by-step user guidance for greater Tim delivers excellent image quality — from small lesions efficiency, excellent image quality, and consistency. Speed Automated Time is precious.
Tim speed means faster and With intelligent workflows customized to the standards, simpler exam set-up, and a dramatically shorter Dot delivers a degree of automation that takes efficiency acquisition time. Now patient volume — and daily to a whole new level. And Dot engines are the driving force within this movement. For seamless workflow automation. Resulting in greater efficiency, reproducibility, and consistency. Personalized exam strategies help to adapt the examination to patient condition or clinical questions.
Also when conditions change during the examination. AutoAlign Heart makes cardiac exams easier Step-by-step user guidance through than ever. Accurate to see tiny vessels. The and high magnet homogeneity. And the Cardiac Dot Engine helps scanner offers leading magnet and gradient technology. Everything acquisition techniques. The outcomes are outstanding desired for cardiac MRI. Special casting for gradient coils. All these factors are provides an excellent view and short scan times combined to reduce sound pressure by of pathologies.
It has a low-to-the-floor table position of just 47 cm 18 inches. Making it accessible for a wide range of patients. For nearly all MRI procedures. For obese patients, it supports up to kg lbs. Without any table movement restrictions. And the Cardiac Dot Engine helps to make cardiac imaging part of clinical routine. Everything desired for cardiac MRI. With a high level of confidence. It facilitates the evaluation of complex pathologies.
And difficult patients are simply easier to handle. Head, cardiac, knee, abdomen With innovative applications for each part of the body. And Tim seamlessly scans up to cm without patient or coil repositioning. For true whole-body functionality. The Tim Application Suite will help address clinical needs. Without any additional costs. In every clinical field. Neuro Ortho Evaluation of pathology from disc Examination of ligament tears herniation to acute stroke. With high- to cartilage degeneration. Streamlined workflow in clinical cases. From cardiomyopathies to ischemic heart Including lobular cancer, breast implant disease. And from valvular to congenital assessment, and therapy monitoring.
Onco Pediatric1 State-of-the-art oncology services for Excellent contrast and resolution with tumor detection. And staging of prostate, multiple protocols. Using ultrafast and liver cancers, and more. Advanced neuro Enhanced pathology Advanced non-invasive imaging visualization assessment syngo DTI Tractography syngo MapIt MR Elastography Advanced neuro imaging Allows the early detection of osteo- New MRI-based biomarker for visualizes white matter fiber arthritic pathology based on the T1, characterizing tissue non-invasively. For any contrast T1, T2, Dark Fluid. And for any orientation.
Compatible with parallel acquisition technique. Non-contrast enhanced imaging syngo ASL High spatial resolution perfusion imaging for evaluation of stroke, tumors, degenerative diseases, epilepsy. Insensitive to susceptibility effects. Enables more accurate lesion evaluation. Tim is proven by more than 6, installations worldwide. With Tim, MRI moved to the next level. And now, Dot is available as the next movement in MRI. The security of knowing that they can move a step forward. Today, and for years to come. Significant workflow innovations help This is what puts Siemens at the forefront make every exam easier. With fast and of innovation in the field of MRI. And it consistent adaptation to both patient is the only way to help customers stay condition and the clinical question.
Even secure and ahead with their investment. And to make sure patients benefit most syngo Inline Technology allows in the end. They are immediately simplicity of syngo. This streamlines MRI displayed after completion. The result: examinations. From ordering through Processing instead of postprocessing. AutoAlign facilitates reproducible slice positioning, e. Just what is needed to excel, comparability in follow-up examinations. Its up to 50 cm Field-of-View offers a superior With the seamless integration to view of pathologies. With high gradient syngo. And, at the same time, But also the workflows beyond. For faster and more reliable And they provide broadness in diagnoses.
To well address the clinical perspective. In short: A Siemens solution. The patient is the center of attention. Patient comfort is enhanced with short Always has been, always will be. AudioComfort changes the entire patient experience. AutoVoice Commands patient conditions.
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What is a Tesla? Who was Tesla? What is a Gauss? How strong is 3. What is a gradient? What is susceptibility?

Цель исследования : изучить возможности применения диффузионной куртозисной магнитно-резонансной томографии ДК МРТ для оценки перитуморальной зоны вне- и внутримозговых опухолей в разных участках по мере распространения отека от опухоли к периферии, а также нормального белого вещества на контралате ральной опухоли стороне. Материал и методы. Продолжительность всего исследования, включая стандартный протокол, составила 40 мин. Протокол исследования был одобрен этическим комитетом института. Анатомические обзорные МР-изображения Т1 без и с контрастным усилением демонстрировали контрастируемую часть новообразования.

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